Organisational regulations of the healthcare provider
- Organisational Regulations (hereinafter: “Organisational Regulations”) apply to the healthcare provider operating under the name of Global Teleclinic & Assistance spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warsaw, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS number: 842659, NIP (Tax ID): 5272927966, entered in the Register of Healthcare Providers kept by the Mazovian Governor, record number 000000247151-W-14 (abbreviated to Global Teleclinic & Assistance sp. z o.o., hereinafter referred to as: “Healthcare Provider”).
- The Organisational Regulations set out the terms and conditions for the provision of healthcare services by the Healthcare Provider, including by the medical professionals employed or working with it.
- The Healthcare Provider operates on the basis of:
- universally applicable legal provisions, including in particular the Act on Medical Activity of 15 April 2011 (hereinafter referred to as “AMA”);
- entry in the Register of Healthcare Providers maintained by the Mazovian Governor;
- Organisational Regulations;
- deed of incorporation of Global Teleclinic & Assistance sp. z o.o.
- The Healthcare Provider carries out its healthcare activities at a treatment facility under the name of Global Teleclinic & Assistance spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością.
- The purpose of the Healthcare Provider is to carry out healthcare activities in accordance with the principles set out in Chapter IV of the Organisational Regulations, including in particular remote provision of healthcare services, i.e. by means of ICT systems or communication systems within the meaning of Article 3(1) AMA.
- The primary tasks of the Healthcare Provider are:
- Provision of advice and consultation in the areas indicated in Chapter I item 4 by medical professionals and other specialists;
- Health promotion;
- Patient education.
- The Healthcare Provider carries out healthcare activities by providing outpatient healthcare services.
- The Healthcare Provider provides healthcare services in the following fields of medicine:
- HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
07 Internal medicine - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
28 Paediatrics - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
25 Orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
53 Cardiology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
44 Endocrynology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
42 Lung diseases - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
03 Children’s surgery - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
05 General surgery - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
09 Dermatology and venereology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
29 Obstetrics and gynaecology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
30 Psychiatry - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
36 Allergology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
43 Diabetology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
54 Children’s cardiology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
68 Sexology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
101 Obstetric nursing - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
117 Paediatric endocrinology and diabetology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
26 Otorhinolaryngology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
61 Children’s otorhinolaryngology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
22 Neurology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
21 Neurosurgery - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
34 Urology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
47 Gastroenterology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
24 Clinical oncology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
115 Children’s lung diseases - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
77 Conservative dentistry with endodontics - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
76 Children’s dentistry - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
108 Clinical psychology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
37 Angiology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
67 Rheumatology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
14 Occupational medicine - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
39 Vascular surgery - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
121 Maritime and tropical medicine - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
105 Physiotherapy - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
23 Ophthalmology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
11 Clinical genetics - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
71 Clinical transplantology - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
116 Gynaecological endocrinology and reproduction - HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
109 Neurological Speech Therapy
- HC.1.3.9 Other outpatient care
- The Healthcare Provider has the following treatment facility: Ogólnopolskie Centrum Telemedyczne – National Telemedicine Centre, ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warsaw
- The Healthcare Provider has the following organizational unit:
Poradnia Specjalistyczna – Specialist Clinic, ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warsaw - The following positions are in place at the Healthcare Provider’s treatment facility:
- Medical Director – the role of Director is held by Krzysztof Szalecki, Ph.D. MD.
- Doctors
- Psychologists
- Psychiatrists
- Nurses
- Basic duties:
- Manager:
- support in the organisation and coordination of activities in the medical affairs of the Healthcare Provider;
- co-management of medical staff;
- coordination of work distribution, rosters;
- mediation, resolving medical disputes with staff;
- support in handling the complaints process;
- carrying out random quality checks on medical records;
- development and implementation of procedures at the Healthcare Provider’s facility with its agreement;
- support in liaising with external audit bodies during audits and in the control proceedings of the Healthcare Provider;
- supporting the Healthcare Provider in its day-to-day activities in the conduct of medical activities, as well as attending external and internal meetings;
- support in the resolution of disputes and complaints relating to the observance of patients’ rights, protection of patients’ personal data.
- Doctor:
- provision of healthcare services within the scope indicated in the Organisational Regulations,
- Patient education,
- Contact with patients using the Platform with regard to questions addressed to the Healthcare Provider in relation to the provision of healthcare services.
- Psychologist:
- provision of healthcare services within the scope indicated in the Organisational Regulations,
- Patient education,
- Contact with patients using the Platform with regard to questions addressed to the Healthcare Provider in relation to the provision of healthcare services.
- Psychiatrist:
- provision of healthcare services within the scope indicated in the Organisational Regulations,
- Patient education,
- Contact with patients using the Platform with regard to questions addressed to the Healthcare Provider in relation to the provision of healthcare services.
- Nurse:
- provision of healthcare services within the scope indicated in the Organisational Regulations,
- Patient education,
- Contact with patients using the Platform with regard to questions addressed to the Healthcare Provider in relation to the provision of healthcare services.
- The head of the treatment facility is also the head of the organisational unit of the Healthcare Provider, i.e. the Specialist Clinic.
- Manager:
- The place of provision of healthcare services by the Healthcare Provider exclusively via ICT systems or communication systems is the location of the medical professionals providing these services.
- Healthcare services provided via communication or ICT systems are provided during the operating hours of the Healthcare Provider.
- The Healthcare Provider shall specify in detail in the work schedule the hours of operation and the scope of services provided by the Healthcare Provider. The schedule is available on the Healthcare Provider’s website: (“Platforma”).
- Health services are provided by the authorised persons indicated in Chapter IV item 3 of the Organisational Regulations from the scope of specialisations indicated in Chapter III item 2 of the Organisational Regulations.
- Patient registration is carried out independently by the patient on the Platform. Creating a patient account in the system is equivalent to patient registration.
- The Healthcare Provider’s healthcare services are provided exclusively through ICT or communication systems.
- Healthcare services are provided by the authorised persons indicated in Chapter IV item 3 of the Organisational Regulations who are employed by the Healthcare Provider or who cooperate with the Healthcare Provider on the basis of civil law contracts. Healthcare services may also be provided by another healthcare provider on the basis of a contract of mandate or cooperation agreement between that provider and the Healthcare Provider.
- If there are medical indications to do so, the authorised person indicated in Chapter IV item 3 of the Organisational Regulations will inform the patient of the need to contact a doctor directly.
- If, in the course of providing healthcare services, a doctor considers that there is an immediate threat to the life or health of a patient, they may call for assistance, in particular call an ambulance.
- The Healthcare Provider provides paid healthcare services on the basis of contracts concluded with patients and institutions.
- Model contracts for healthcare services are made available to patients before services are provided. In the case of a Healthcare Provider, the model for such an agreement is the terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services (“Terms and Conditions”), which are made available on the Platform and which the patient is required to accept before using the services.
- A price list of current fees is made available to patients by the Healthcare Provider via the Platform.
- The Healthcare Provider retains the right to refuse to provide healthcare services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions as well as applicable law.
- Medical records may be made available by the Healthcare Provider at the request of the patient, the patient’s statutory representative or a person authorised to inspect the medical records in accordance with the principles set out in the Act of 6 November 2008 on Patients’ Rights and the Patient Ombudsman. Medical records are also made available to other entities if the obligation to make them available results from legal provisions.
- The price list for the release of medical records can be found in Appendix 1 to the Organisational Regulations – “Fees for the release of medical records”.
- The Healthcare Provider, in order to ensure the correctness and continuity of provision of healthcare services, cooperates with other healthcare entities providing health services to patients.
- In its activities, the Healthcare Provider envisages the possibility of cooperation with other healthcare providers on the basis of a bilateral cooperation agreement. The cooperation agreement with the healthcare providers covers, in particular, the terms of patient referral, the financing of services and the supervision of the quality of the healthcare provided.
- In medically justified cases, the doctor issues an e-prescription, a referral for diagnostic tests to other specialist clinics or for inpatient treatment.
- If necessary, the doctor will issue the necessary certificate on patient’s health and the entitlements due to their condition.
- The Healthcare Provider is represented by the Management Board of Global Teleclinic & Assistance sp. z o.o. (“Management Board”). The Management Board manages the organisational unit and exercises all rights and obligations imposed on the Healthcare Provider by generally applicable law.
- The Management Board shall make decisions on the following matters at its sole discretion:
- financial decisions, including pricing of services,
- approval of investment plans, recovery plans, audits,
- submitting proposals for amendments to the Organisational Regulations of the Healthcare Provider to the authorised bodies,
- issuing internal normative acts,
- granting of powers of attorney and authorisations,
- representation before authorities, courts and administrative bodies,
- conclusion of contracts for health services and civil law contracts,
- establishment and termination of employment relationships.
- The Management Board manages the treatment facility with the help of persons holding independent positions and acting on the basis of the powers of attorney granted to them.
- The Organisational Regulations were drawn up on the basis of the applicable legislation, in particular AMA. Matters not covered by the Regulations shall be governed by generally applicable provisions of Polish law.
- In case of cross-border healthcare services, the Healthcare Provider shall provide healthcare services in accordance with the Polish legal order, unless otherwise stipulated by the concluded agreements, the national law of the foreign country or international agreements.
- The provisions of the Organisational Regulations shall apply to all employees of the Healthcare Provider and entities working with it, performing healthcare services for it and on its behalf, patients, partners, and persons designated or authorised by patients on the basis of the Organisational Regulations, the law or the Terms and Conditions.
- The rules for processing personal data are set out in the Privacy Policy available on the Platform.
- The Organisational Regulations shall enter into force on the date of approval by the Management Board.
- Appendix No. 1: Fees for the release of medical records.
Appendix No. 1 to Organisational Regulations
Fees for the release of medical records
| First release in the requested scope | Subsequent release in the requested scope |
Photocopy or printout (1 page) | PLN 0.00 | PLN 0.47 |
Extract or copy (1 page) | PLN 0.00 | PLN 13.47 |
Electronic means of communication | PLN 0.00 | PLN 0.00 |
IT data carrier | PLN 0.00 | PLN 2.69 |